Prohibition Hot Rod and Moonshine Festival

Call Family Distillers 1611 Industrial Drive, Wilkesboro, NC

Prohibition is a Hot Rod and Moonshine Festival celebrating the history of moonshine, hot rods, and the history they have together. From running moonshine in hot rods, to creating the largest racing sport in the US. Hot rods and moonshine have always gone together. Featuring a car show open to all types of vehicles 1989 […]

Prohibition Hot Rod and Moonshine Festival

Call Family Distillers 1611 Industrial Drive, Wilkesboro, NC

Prohibition is a Hot Rod and Moonshine Festival celebrating the history of moonshine, hot rods, and the history they have together. From running moonshine in hot rods, to creating the largest racing sport in the US. Hot rods and moonshine have always gone together. Featuring a car show open to all types of vehicles 1989 […]